Friday, July 16, 2010

Innovation is hiding all over the place!

I was very impressed with stories from Summer Institute. There are lots of cool, innovative teachers out there making a difference in kids' lives! I'm glad to have met them, and I hope to continue the dialogue as years go by. Project based learning is a great addition to the world, and EdVisions has made some wonderful contributions.

I was reminded that I really want to recognize and honor all kinds of activities, and not just things that look like "work". Just as much of the best learning happens during informal sessions at conferences, so does much of student learning happen informally, when kids are chatting or surfing web pages. In fact, one student said "this project started because I was off task" and it was a very cool learning experience.

I truly wish there were people in Minnesota interested in starting a democratic school with no requirements except attendance and following the school rules. These schools recognize all these different types of learning. That would add one more choice for Minnesota families.

1 comment:

Catherine Peart said...

I wish that school existed as well! My family and I are having to relocate to Minneapolis and are looking for just such a school. We have been in Massachusetts for a little while and were planning on sending our children to Sudbury Valley school in Framingham. We are devastated to have to move and not be able to send our kids there. Do you know where I can find a list of more progressive or liberal schools? It is hard graft trying to find them through internet searches.